MAHOVA’S EVERGREEN CAMPAIGN – Building on our past to secure our future.

MAHOVA provides quality housing, health care, meal service and entertainment in a secure, modern setting next to Richmond.  It also pays for in-home assistance to our brothers and their spouses and widows.  Please click here to hear from our residents about what living at MAHOVA means to them.

These services have a cost, and we all have an opportunity to assist MAHOVA to continue to provide them for the foreseeable future.   Masons have a Masonic obligation: to help, aid and assist all distressed Brother Masons, their widows and orphans, who need our assistance.  That mission has not changed over the period from the founding of MAHOVA in 1890 to today, but its challenges have increased.   

We ask Masons and their families to continue to assist Brothers, their wives and widows, and to express this support by making a meaningful gift to MAHOVA - Your Masonic Community.  Gifts can be large or small, one time or continuing, in cash, in real estate, by assignment of a portion of an individual retirement account or by bequest.  What matters is that we care enough to express it by financially supporting our Brethren and wives.

There are various ways of being supportive through MAHOVA's Evergreen Campaign, including:  

Click here to make a contribution.

Why does MAHOVA need funds to continue its mission?  Because approximately half of our residents cannot pay for the extended life care they receive at MAHOVA, and we honor them and our obligation by providing that care.   Lodges provide, through annual assessments and individual contributions, valuable financial support, but caring for distressed members of our Masonic community costs much more than we receive in contributions and revenues annually.  It is important that our Endowment Fund be increased so that there can be a secure, income-generating source of funds that will fill the gap between current revenues and expenses, and the Evergreen Campaign aims to do just that.

Charity starts at home: your Masonic Community.  This is not just another club to which we belong that is asking for contributions; MAHOVA is a mission that cares for our own and helps improve and extend lives.  Please speak with a MAHOVA representative to discuss your willingness to join in the MAHOVA mission; they are listed under the Contact tab.  If you are ready to contribute, please click on the Contributions tab to understand the various method of contributing.

MaHoVa Evergreen Campaign Logo